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Pink Ribbon Day

 The campaign focused on preventing breast cancer

The campaign called the Pink Ribbon Day was created as part of International Breast Health Day (October 15). The aim of the campaign is to emphasize the importance of a healthy lifestyle, regular check-ups with a doctor (gynecological examinations and mammograph examinations) and, above all, regular monthly breast self-examinations, which can be carried out at home and can be done by every woman. In order for this examination to be effective, it needs to be done correctly.

Therefore, on Friday, October 13, 2023, for the ninth year, members of the ONKO-DUHA Vsetín Health Care Association together with students of the Secondary Medical School in Vsetín, will be available to you to demonstrate the correct technique of self-examination on models. You will meet them in the morning in the Smetanova business gallery Vsetín and at the polyclinic of the Vsetín hospital.

Along with the explanation, you will also receive a leaflet with detailed instructions on how to properly perform the self-examination. Leaflets can also be found in pharmacies and waiting rooms of gynecological clinics. In the streets of the town of Vsetín, Valašské Meziříčí and neighboring villages, you will meet members of ZO OKNKO-DUHA Vsetín, who will hand out leaflets with small gifts.

This year, VZP CR insurance company again joined the campaign, which, in addition to its preventive programs in the field of cancer, will offer the public the opportunity to measure BMI body values and skin hydration on 13 October at the polyclinic in Vsetín. 

The new partner is Vsetínská sportovní, which offered our company a discounted rental of the Municipal Spa in Vsetín, which will be used by Kayaku employees and their family members.

Do not neglect the examination due to concerns about a positive result! The early detection of the tumor is the best way to recovery!  

Almost 100,000 people in the Czech Republic get cancer every year. If the disease is caught on time and the patient starts treatment, it is a good way to recover and reduce the sad numbers from the statistics. The Vsetín Townhall welcomes the educational activities of the association ZO ONKO-DUHA Vsetín and supports it in its steps in the prevention of oncological diseases. If you walk through Vsetín in the evening on October 13, 2023, you will see the pink-glowing Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. This act is a manifestation of support both for the project itself and for all those who fight against the insidious disease.


Project organizators:
Kayaku Safety Systems Europe a.s.


Vsetínská nemocnice
Agel Diagnostické centrum
Masarykovo gymnázium, SZŠ a Vyšší odborná škola zdravotnická Vsetín
Masarykova veřejná knihovna Vsetín  
Vsetínská sportovní