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Personal data protection declaration

Personal Data Protection Declaration

In this Statement we inform you how we collect, process, use and protect your personal data.

We process and protect your personal data in accordance with Act No. 127/2005 Coll., on electronic communications and on amendments to certain related acts (Electronic Communications Act), as amended, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), Act No. 110/2019 Coll, 89/2012 SB., Civil Code, as amended, and other related legislation.


What personal data we process and for what purpose: 

Personal data is pursuant to the Regulation EU 2016/679 all information about the identified or identifiable natural person.  Identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person. 

Personal and identification data means in particular: name, surname, address, date of birth, Birth Reg. No. or any national identifier, age, sex, and personal document number. 

Data subject is a natural person.  


We are going to use the disclosed personal data in accordance with law exclusively for ensuring contact with you, and we will collect it to the necessary extent to assess your application and to conclude a contract, and for tax and accounting purposes, or for the purpose you have approved.  

We do not further process your personal data, we do not use it for commercial purposes (sale to marketing companies or for distribution of marketing offers and unsolicited commercial messages). 

We collect the data within the scope of the law, i.e. in order to fulfil the legislative obligations, by which we are bound (we do not need your consent here), or because of the so-called legitimate interest or based on your consent. 

Processing purposes

Processing is legal only if at least one of the following conditions is met and only to the corresponding extent:

  • The data subject has given their consent for one or more specific purposes;
  • Processing is necessary for performing the contract, to which the data subject is a party, or for implementation of measures taken before concluding the contract upon request of the data subject;
  • Reporting is necessary to meet the statutory obligation that applies to the controller;
  • Processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or other natural person;
  • Reporting is necessary to fulfil a task carried out in the public interest or in exercising public authority powers;
  • Processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of the respective controller or any third party, except for the cases where the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject requiring protection of the data subject, especially child, have the priority over such interests.


Why we process your personal data

In order to be able to address you with offer of jobs, you provide us your consent to processing your personal data. In this case, it is so-called voluntary processing of personal data, which we perform based on the consent you granted.

Also in the case of applications and web forms, you also grant your consent to your personal data processing. This is again so-called voluntary processing of personal data, which we perform based on the consent you granted. 

No commercial messages or any other communications will be sent to you, which have no relation to your requirement.


How we process your personal data

The data may be processed both automatically and manually.

We collect your personal data in the case that you buy a product from us or contact us with another question, or if you register for a specific reason (for example, if you apply for a job, if you provide us with contact information for your products/services you offer, etc.) 

We may also collect your data from other sources, such as the Commercial Register, Trade Register and any other register of entrepreneurs, debtors’ registers, etc., all in accordance with the applicable legal regulations.


Approval granting process

During the process of entering into contracts or at any time thereafter, you have the right not to grant your consent with personal data processing in the case of voluntary data processing, or to revoke your consent at any time.

You always grant the consent with the personal data processing for a specific purpose. 


Data use

You may use your personal data for the purposes relating to your operating activities concerning products, which include processing orders and concluding contracts. 

We process your personal data for the period of provision of products and services you order, or respectively until settlement of all rights and obligations from the contractual relationship (expiration of the guarantee period, payment of debts). 


Possibility to share your personal data

Only a limited group of persons may have access to the data we process according to the assigned access rights to systems and the set out safety rules. 

We may only disclose your personal data to third parties under the conditions set out by legal regulations.  

Your personal data may be made available in certain cases also to the following entities: 

  • Processors, i.e. entities that process personal data based on authorisation by the controller (for example a company performing the information system maintenance).  
  • Entities having such authorisation based on law (for example state administration authorities), which file formally correct and standardised application.

We do not process your personal data outside the Czech Republic. 



Recipient is any person, to whom the data is disclosed, either based on (a) law or (b) personal data processing contract (processors).  

If the data is handed over to processors, we require adhering to not only the applicable legal regulations, but also safety requirements, i.e. the minimum technical and organisational safety measures guaranteeing safety of your personal data processing.


Your rights

In relation to processing your personal data, you have:

  • Right to clear, transparent and comprehensible information about how we use your personal data and what are your rights (this document is used for the aforementioned too);
  • Right to access to personal data and provision of other information relating to its processing by XY;
  • Right to correction of incorrect and incomplete personal data;
  • Right to deletion of your personal data, in particular if it is no longer needed for further processing / you revoked your consent to its processing / you legitimately objected its processing / the data was processed illegally / must be deleted according to the legal regulations and procedures;
  • Right to limitation of processing of your personal data if you contest the personal data correctness until we verify its correctness / processing is illegal / we no longer need the data, but you need it for the purpose of asserting your legal claims / you object its processing until we verify if our legitimate reasons prevail over your interests;
  • Right to file objections against your personal data processing in the case we process it for the purpose of our legitimate interests;
  • Right to acquire your personal data and to transfer it to another service provider;
  • Right to file a complaint to the Office for Personal Data Protection, www.uoou.cz.


If you believe that we process your personal data contrary to protection of your private and personal life or contrary to law, you may: 

  • Ask us for explanation; see the contact information on the website 
  • Require us to remedy the resulting situation. This may particularly include blocking, repairing, supplementing or disposing of personal data.

If your request is considered legitimate, we will immediately remedy the defective status. 


Access of the data subject to information

If you want to receive information about the personal data we process about you, please proceed as follows:

Information about processing the personal data of the data subject, i.e. customers who are natural persons and whose data is processed by KSE, is sent by our company only in writing by registered letter to the address you stated in the application. Please specify your contact details in the application. We have one month to process the application, with the option of extending the said period in justified cases. 

We will provide the information to you based on your written request, which you send to our company to the following address: Kayaku Safety Systems Europe a.s., Bobrky 2271, 755 01 Vsetín.


Revoking the consent

In the case of so-called voluntary processing, you are entitled to revoke your consent at any time. You may only revoke the consent or, on the contrary, grant your consent to the processing of your personal data in written form.



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We use this information exclusively for the processing of statistics. This information is important for us with regard to improving the website and providing the best possible content and structure of the website so that the user can easily and quickly find everything he needs. We do not use cookies for purposes other than those listed above. 

We do not use them for the purpose of targeting advertising to you, nor for remarketing or retargeting. 

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In Vsetín, dated 23/02/2022