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Dear KSE Employees,

I wish you and your families a Happy New Year!

Last year was also a year in which it was difficult to predict the future market, but I would like to thank you all of you for your support you gave me throughout the last year.

In last year's New Year's greeting, I stated  "making ZERO accidents as highest priority in KSE," but unfortunately accidents occurred in August and October, resulting in serious injuries to our employee. The company analyzed the cause, and took short and long-term measures promptly, but just taking measures are not enough. We need to reconfirm our safety measures and continue to check on a daily basis to ensure that they are being implemented with awareness at every working place, so I ask for everyone's participation to achieve ZERO accidents.

Although the European Automobile industry is not as good as initially expected, it is definitely on a recovery trend and demand has been increasing. However, the environment surrounding KSE continues to be difficult, with inflation staying at high and recruitment activities extremely difficult.

This year is the third interim year of the med-term Business Plan (KV25), and we are required to carry out activities and results with an eye toward achieving our goal of FY25.

I've been saying this since I was assigned in KSE, but I would like to repeat that everyone should be strongly aware of having power the lead new ideas and ways without hesitation of change.


Let's get off to a great start to a successful year 2024!


Best regards

Akinori Kanno

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