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Recruitment Bonus
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A loyalty bonus of CZK 2,000.00 will be paid to each employee of Kayku Safety Systems Europe a.s. (KSE) for each full year he or she has worked in the company.

The CZK 2,000 bonus will be paid to each employee of Kayaku Safety Systems Europe a.s. regardless their function or work position for every full year in the company. This one-time loyalty bonus will be applied to maternity leaves as well. Therefore, employees will be awarded bonuses amounting to CZK 2,000 to CZK 40,000 in October. Employees hired after 1 October 2017, i.e. those who have not been employed in our company for a full year, will receive a CZK 1,000 bonus. 

The management at KSE would like to express their thanks to employees for their loyalty to the company and would like to demonstrate that caring for current employees is as much in the company’s interest as the recruitment of new staff. 

Determining the value of the bonus for the number of whole years spent in the company is crucial. The reference date used for calculation of one full year in the company is 1 October of the respective year (beginning) and 30 September of the following year (end). 

For better understanding, two examples of bonus calculation are laid out below: 

 1) Employment commencing on 5 April 2000 calculation: from 1 October 2000 to 30 September 2018 = 18 years of employment in the company. 

 2) Employment commencing on 2 December 2000 calculation: from 1 October 2001 to 30 September 2018 = 17 years of employment in the company. 

That means, that an employee who has been working in our company for 19 years will receive a bonus in the amount of CZK 38,000.00 in addition to their regular salary.

Employees employed after 1 October 2017 will receive a CZK 1,000 bonus as an expression of our gratitude for their decision to accept employment in our company. This applies also to employees whose employment was commenced in August 2018.

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