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To Work by Bike 2022

We have the May challenge to work by the bike behind us. We enjoyed 2 breakfasts on the bike path with Kayaku, several bike rides with local associations and within individual teams. Our 39 employees, who formed 13 teams overcame 21,383 km with an average regularity of 79%. 

On 17 June we then enjoyed the ceremonial announcement of the results for the city of Vsetín, where the best ones were awarded interesting prizes. Kayaku employees were great in the challenge, as evidenced not only by their participation, but also by the amazing position at the top of all the competitions announced by the organizer. For the city of Vsetín, 3 teams from Kayaku (namely HRk Brk, oMikron and Galusky na Kayaku) took the 1st - 6th position in the TEAM REGULARITY competition.  Colleagues from the Galusky na Kayaku team excelled in the GREEN KILOMETERS competition with 6,649 km in 4 people and in the competition GREEN KILOMETERS ON YOUR OWN, Radek, Míša and Vojta from Kayaku took the first 3 places.

And to make it better, our company received the CYCLING EMPLOYER OF THE YEAR award, which we greatly appreciate.

Congratulations to the winners, we thank our employees for the wonderful representation of our company and we wish all participants a comfortable pedaling in the rest of 2022!

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