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Reaching Wallachian peaks in 2023

How we got involved in reaching peaks within the VKV

The competition called Crown of Wallachian Peaks (Vrcharska Koruna Valasska) has become an important part of the cycling season for many cycling enthusiasts, including our employees. Thanks to them, our company was ranked 3rd among awarded employers.

Since a lot of enthusiasts conquer the surrounding peaks not only by bike, but also on foot, we decided to announce an internal challenge for our employees also in 2023. The aim of the challenge was to earn money by reaching the peaks and to donate the collected amount to a charity purpose.

From the proposals of our employees, which they submitted through an internal survey, we selected two families with disabled children who deserved our financial help. These were the Ordeltova family to whom we helped to purchase a refurbished motomed for their daughter Barunka, and the Plesnikova family with two autistic twins, Nicolas and Liliana, for whom we purchased sensory and rehabilitation aids. The total amount, which was raised from the internal call, was CZK 52,500.

Thank letter from Mrs. Plesnikova:

Award ceremony:

Více na https://vkv-bike.cz/

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