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Recruitment Bonus
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We pay an extraordinary bonus to our employees!

The management of KSE decided that, despite the difficult period of the accounting year 2022, we will pay the company's employees a stabilization bonus as an award for loyalty and trust in the company in both, good and bad times.

With this step, the management wants to thank the employees. Almost 12 million CZK will be spent on this extraordinary bonus!

The bonus amount is CZK 1,000 for each full year of work at KSE. It belongs to employees employed at KSE on October 1, 2022. The bonus depends on number of years worked in the company. Example: An employee working at KSE since 1999 will get a bonus of CZK 23,000. The bonus will be included in the September salary.

Thank you!                   

Radim Spisar, SM ADM Div.

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