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Pink Ribbon Day

6th Pink Ribbon Day

Pink Ribbon Day – a campaign focusing on the prevention of the breast cancer

The aim of the campaign is to spread awareness of malignant tumors. It puts emphasis on healthy life style, regular medical check-ups (gynecological examinations and mammographic screening) and, in particular, on regular, monthly self-examinations of breasts, which any woman can do at home. In order for this examination to be effective, it must be carried out correctly.  

13 October 2020 – Meeting with doctors at the library - CANCELED THANKS TO COVID-19 GOVERNMANT RESTRICTIONS

This year, Pink Ribbon Day is scheduled for Thursday, 15 October, which is also International Breast Health Day. Prior to this, there should be a meeting on Tuesday, 13 October, at 5 p.m., to be held at the Masaryk Public Library. The main guests invited were the Surgeon at the Vsetin Hospital, MUDr. Petr Rohlík; a doctor from AGEL Diagnostic center Vsetín, MUDr. Ivana Vávrová; and the Chairwoman of ZO ONKO-DUHA Vsetin, Mgr. Marie Novosadová. The main reason to organize such meeting was to give public the opportunity to learn important information about the issues both from professionals and patients who have suffered this disease. To get to know what mammographic screening includes, what the procedure is in the case that a tumor is suspected, and what the newest treatments are. 

Thanks to the pandemic situation the meeting has to be canceled.

15 October 2020 – self-exam demonstration 

On Thursday, 15 October, International Breast Health Day, ZO-ONKO-DUHA Vsetin members in cooperation with students from the secondary nursing school in Vsetin will demonstrate the self-examination technique on a model. The demonstration will take place at Masaryk Public Library and at the Health Center in Vsetin during the morning hours. Those who are interested can try the self-exam technique themselves. The campaign leaflets detailing instructions explaining how to do the self-exam will be also available. 

Also, the leaflets will be handed over to pharmacies and waiting rooms at the gynecological clinics. Due to the current epidemiological situation, the organizers decided not to distribute the leaflets with a small gift in the streets of the city and surrounding villages, as was the custom in previous years. We believe that the public will understand this step, and will continue to support the project, for example, by recalling themselves about the need for self-examination.

Both events are publically accessible and free of charge. 

Do not neglect medical exams for fear of a positive result! Early detection is the key to effective tumor treatment!      

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